Saturday, 1 June 2013

Tribes in Zimbabwe: Chewa people

The Chewa people are spread throughout Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe. This map shows where they live in Africa. These people live in a subtropical climate were in the lowlands the temperatures range between 21 degrees and 29 degrees. The first recorded kingdom of these people goes all the way back to 1480 and yet they are still very traditional. Today I met some of the tribal warriors. They are very distinctive because of their language, called Chichewa, special tattoo's and possession of secret societies. Their economic welfare is from slash and burn agriculture growing corn and sorghum. They live in compact villages spreading other the indicated area above. The villages are run by a hereditary headman who is advised by a council of elders. The Chewa beliefs on creation are that they are created by God called Chiuta or Chaunta on a mount called Kapirintiwa during a thunderstorm. They believe that you are in contact with spirits and animals. The spirits choose to get in contact with living people. They also believe that if you are dancing then you are in constant contact with the spirits. The thing I will remember most will be how distinct the Chewa people are compared to the Mapuche people who just looked very similar to the stereotypical tribe.    

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