In my journey around the country of Chile, I wanted to meet a tribe who have their own style of life. Before I left I did some background information checks and discovered a tribe called the Mapuche people. They are spread right across the middle of the country of Chile and are broken down into little groups with their own names.
But I decided to look at them as a whole. The Mapuche people all have the same beliefs even if they are rather spread out.
They have Machi ceremonies for warding of evil, for rain and for cure of diseases. The Mapuche people have an extensive knowledge of Chilean medicinal herbs, certain people who have this knowledge are called Machitan.
Most Mapuche people are being forced into labour so they can get food and less than 3% of them have a higher than primary school education. They struggle form problems such as poor housing, malnutrition, illiteracy, alcoholism, tuberculosis and a high rate of infant deaths.
They speak Spanish as well as their own language called Mapudungun. This language is become more of ancient history as the tribal people have to start trading more with the rest of the country. Very few children growing up will be taught Mapudungun now as they mainly comunicate by Spanish.
I know this because today I met my first tribe of this journey. They are a rather welcoming tribe and invited me into the tribal village. This consisted of mud huts and great, big spaces for tribe meetings and such like. When I had gained there trust they told me about one of theri many beliefs, a story which I am now going to tell to you.
The Mapuche people believe in things called the Ngen spirits. These are the spirits of nature. The word ngen translates to mean owner. They believe the Ngen spirits mange, govern and arrange the different features of nature. Nature, because they do this, takes care and protects the spirits. They are very important as they keep order and make sure The Mapuche don't break the laws of admapu. Admapu are the rules of the mapuche traditions. THere are different Ngen spirits such as for rain and trees. So when the tribe want something, such as an end to the drought, they must respect it and give an offering to the particular Ngen spirit.
This is a very interesting belief and I will look at other creation/nature belies in the other two countries on the Tropic of Capricorn, and will compare them at the end in another post.